Types of Authorizations and procedures to get them

  1. Driving a taxi
  2. Driving general transport vehicle
  3. Learner – vehicle driving instructor
  4. Learner – vehicle driving trainee
  5. Passenger picking using tracks
  6. Wagon drawn by Animals
  7. Pickup drivers - workers in the private and government sector- there authorization validity will be bound by there residence validation in that company or institute. An exception to this role, are government pickup drivers attaching an authorization sticker in both sides of the pickup from the department of transport
  8. The driver's residence of pickups in general ( private and government), must be associated with the owner of the vehicle. This a list of exceptions:
    1. Kuwaitis
    2. GCC Nationalities
    3. The Resident owns an authorized backup before the Ministerial article no 184/83
  1. Kuwait Citizenship
  2. Retired
  3. Certificate from the Public Insurance for Social Security
  4. Holder of a public driving License for at least a year
  5. Medical Checkup + Valid Police Certificate (to prove you are of good character)
  6. Passport or Civil-ID including a photocopy
  7. Passing the roads awareness and locations by the Department of Traffic
  1. Issued to workers in a Taxi-company. Void incase the worker have left that company
  2. Original Signature authentication plus a photocopy
  3. Application from the company. The company must be the resident sponsor for the applicant
  4. Passport or Civil-ID including a photocopy
  5. Medical Checkup + Valid Police Certificate (to prove you are of good character)
  6. Holder of a public driving License for at least a year
  7. Passing the roads knowledge and locations by the Department of Traffic
  8. Good communication skills in Arabic and English
  9. The License must be renewed annually
  1. Kuwait Citizenship
  2. Holder of a public driving License for at least a year
  3. Medical Checkup + Valid Police Certificate (to prove you are of good character)
  4. Passing a special driving test and knowledge in traffic laws and roles
  5. Passing the roads knowledge and locations by the Department of Traffic
  6. Passport or Civil-ID including a photocopy
  7. The bus should hold a public License plate
  1. Holder of a public driving License for at least a year
  2. Have to be of good character. Have never been convicted in a crime, a sexual felony, honesty related crime or driving under the influence of alcohol or drugs
  3. Passing a special test in: driving, knowledge in traffic laws and roles, knowledge in car mechanics and the ability to be a car driving instructor
  1. Application from the company requesting Cross-Border License
  2. The Passport or Civil-ID including a photocopy. Subject to the following: The driver's residence must be associated with that company
  3. Cross-Border vehicle registration paper, including a photocopy
  4. Photocopy of the company Registration
  5. A list of vehicles owned by the company
  1. The owner of the pickup is the same entity of the applicant's residence sponsor
  2. The Passport or Civil-ID including a photocopy
  3. Vehicle registration paper, including a photocopy
  4. Driving License, including a photocopy
  5. Photocopy of the Sponsor Civil-ID
  6. Application from the residence sponsor ( Incase of: the applicant residence type was article 18)
  1. Application from the company requesting Transporting Workers Pickup
  2. Workers insurance
  3. Vehicle fitness test. Indicating the number of passengers
  4. Pay the required fees
  5. A Valid Police Certificate (to prove you are of good character)
  6. Vehicle registration paper, including a photocopy

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